Individual Assignment: Qualitative Data Analysis
Qualitative Data Analysis
Order Description
Research Topic: Building a Sustainable Society (*******My Case company is” Solar City” )
You are part of a global consultancy group who are investigating the topic of a sustainable Australia.
Towards this endeavour, your team is proposing a series of sustainable solutions, particularly in built
up areas of New South Wales and Victoria, followed by Queensland and other parts of Australia. You
will assess research data collected from Australia and other countries attempting similar projects.
For this research project, you have interviewed a group of researchers on various relevant topics,
including sustainable living, energy, transport, lifestyle etc. and gathered evidence from industry
reports and case studies. You may consult practitioner and government reports to add to existing
data collected (in the seminars). You are to prepare an individual report that consolidates your
analysis, findings and discussion on developing a sustainable society.
Aims of the Report
The report would outline your research into the latest trends and developments regarding
sustainable themes, and analyses of qualitative data from various relevant sources. The report needs
to be constructed professionally, demonstrate appropriate analytical strategies, and include data
representations (i.e. tables, graphs and models) and their interpretations.
1. Consolidate the large dataset into an analytical software
2. Perform appropriate qualitative analysis on your data
3. Consolidate your key themes and findings from your empirical investigation
4. Discuss your findings, state the contributions and implications on practice
I declare that this assessment item is our own work, except where acknowledged, and has not been submitted for academic credit elsewhere, and acknowledge that the assessor of this item may, for the purpose of assessing this item: Reproduce this assessment item and provide a copy to another member of the University; and/or, Communicate a copy of this assessment item to a plagiarism checking service (which may then retain a copy of the assessment item on its database for the purpose of future plagiarism checking). I certify that I have read and understood the University Rules in respect of Student Academic Misconduct.
This cover sheet has to be completed and signed
Research Topic: Building a Sustainable Society
You are part of a global consultancy group who are investigating the topic of a sustainable Australia. Towards this endeavour, your team is proposing a series of sustainable solutions, particularly in built up areas of New South Wales and Victoria, followed by Queensland and other parts of Australia. You will assess research data collected from Australia and other countries attempting similar projects. For this research project, you have interviewed a group of researchers on various relevant topics, including sustainable living, energy, transport, lifestyle etc. and gathered evidence from industry reports and case studies. You may consult practitioner and government reports to add to existing data collected (in the seminars). You are to prepare an individual report that consolidates your analysis, findings and discussion on developing a sustainable society.
Aims of the Report
The report would outline your research into the latest trends and developments regarding sustainable themes, and analyses of qualitative data from various relevant sources. The report needs to be constructed professionally, demonstrate appropriate analytical strategies, and include data representations (i.e. tables, graphs and models) and their interpretations.
1. Consolidate the large dataset into an analytical software
2. Perform appropriate qualitative analysis on your data
3. Consolidate your key themes and findings from your empirical investigation
4. Discuss your findings, state the contributions and implications on practice
This assignment is an individual one and should be your own work.
Please attach page 1 of this document (cover page) to your assignment
The coversheet for your assignment and a soft copy of your report must be uploaded to Moodle no later than Friday Oct 23 (Week 12). Unless approval for an extension is given by the course co-ordinator on medical grounds (supported by a medical certificate) there will be a penalty of 2 marks per calendar day, or a maximum of twenty marks.
Academic Standards:
You are expected to follow UNSW’s Academic Standards to the full extent. All assignments are subject to the University’s guidelines regarding academic misconduct and, as such, plagiarism is as unacceptable in this assignment as it is in other assignment. If plagiarism is found in your assignment, it will be pursued to the fullest extent as per UNSW policy (see for details).
Formatting and Submission Requirements
Students are encouraged to follow the standard below for the assessment format.
File Format: It is recommended that Microsoft Word be used to complete this assessment
Font: Times New Roman 12, ARIAL 11 or Equivalent, 1.5 spaced
Figures and Tables: All figures and Tables should be reported in the body and should be named appropriately
References: All quotations, important points should be referenced using standard referencing methods (Harvard preferred).
Length of Report: Approx 2000 words or 10 pages (including references).
Proposed Structure of the Report
Approx Weightage
1. Introduction
a. Structure of report – Sign-posting for the reader
b. Brief overview of your organization (e.g. origin and aims)
2. Identify the research objectives (short and long term)
a. List and describe the research questions and challenges
3. Discuss your data collection method
a. discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using your data collection method
4. Preliminary data analysis
a. Discuss your coding Schema/ Strategy
b. Provide evidence of data analysis (From Nvivo and/or Excel) (screenshots allowed)
5. Model or Theory Building
a. Include your representations (Tables and Graphs)
b. Provide evidence and illustrations (From Nvivo and/or Excel) (screenshots allowed)
6. Discuss the applicability of your model/findings
a. What are the key implications/ findings of this report?
b. List your recommendations for management
7. Conclusion and Presentation
a. Conclusion
b. References, grammar, spelling, language and the format